فرم ارزیابی وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی + مشاوره رایگان

فول فاند دکتری علوم بهداشتی در دانشگاه لیژ بلژیک

فول فاند دکتری علوم بهداشتی
5/5 - (1 امتیاز)

فول فاند دکتری علوم بهداشتی

Ph.D. Position at the GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences

  • ددلاین: ۴ آپریل ۲۰۲۱
  • دانشگاه لیژ، دانشگده دکتری GIGA
  • زمان شروع: ۱ اکتبر ۲۰۲۱

شرایط اپلای:

متقاضیان باید دارای مدرک کارشناسی ارشد در یکی از رشته های زیر باشند.

  • life-science
  • biology
  • pharmaceutical
  • veterinarian
  • engineering
  • and all other health related specialisations


مدارک لازم جهت اپلای:

  • رزومه (تاکید شده است که در انتهای CV اسم و مشخصات ۲ معرف را ذکر کنید)
  • انگیزه نامه (Motivation letter)
  • ریز نمرات مقاطع کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد

نحوه ی نام گذاری فایل های ارسالی به صورت زیر باید باشد.

CV: “Familyname_CV.pdf”

Motivation letter: “Familyname_ML.pdf”

Academic transcript: “Familyname_AT.pdf”


نحوه اپلای

برای اپلای مدارک لازم را به به ادرس زیر ارسال کنید. در قسمت Subject ایمیل خود عبارت “Application 2021” را بنویسید. ضمنا در صورت شورت لیست شدن در انتهای ماه مِی مصاحبه آنلاین صورت می پذیرد.

ایمیل:  giga.doctoralschool@uliege.be




Are you interested in pursuing a PhD? Are you passionate about biomedical research? If so, consider applying for a position at the GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences.

The program starts on the 1st October 2021. It is a four-year PhD position with a salary according to the Belgian regulations.

Before you apply to the Doctoral School, please make sure to acquaint yourself with application and selection procedures, deadlines and details about how to apply.

Who can apply?

We invite applicants who have or is expecting to receive a Master’s degree by September 2021. We welcome life-science, biology, pharmaceutical, veterinarian, engineering and all other health related specialisations

We welcome diversity. The GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences does not discriminate, in the admission process or otherwise, on the basis of race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability or any other potentially discriminatory factors or circumstances.

How to apply?

The complete applications should be addressed to Dr. Marianna Bevova and sent to the following e-mail giga.doctoralschool@uliege.be. Please make sure that you indicate “Application 2021” as the subject of your e-mail.

Each applicant has to submit a complete application portfolio in English including:

  1. Motivation letter (in a free format describing the motivation to join the GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences and to pursue a PhD).
  2. Academic transcripts (both Master and Bachelor). If the academic transcripts are not in English, French, Dutch or German languages – please provide the English summary of the subjects and grades (you can translate yourself. We do not require an official translation).
  3. Names and contact details of two referees (add this information at the end of your CV). We do not require letters from the referees but just their contact information.

Please make sure that all documents are in PDF format and named as follows:

CV: “Familyname_CV.pdf”; Motivation letter: “Familyname_ML.pdf”; Academic transcript: “Familyname_AT.pdf”.

About the Selection

During the 2021 call of the GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences (DS), we plan to select and recruit four early stage researchers (ESRs) to join the doctoral school. The selection will take place online during the period of February – June 2021. The recruitment will be completed in June – September 2021 and the selected ESRs are expected to start their contracts on the 1st of October 2021.

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee (SC) is responsible for the defining and organising the selection procedure and the recruitment of PhD candidates to the GIGA Doctoral School for Health Sciences. The SC is formed yearly. The SC consists of the following members: Doctoral School Director; GIGA Research Director; GIGA Vice-Director; a representative of each of the GIGA thematic units, a representative of the CIRM centre; a representative of the FARAH centre and a representative of the Foundation Leon Fredericq.

Selection procedure

The selection process is designed according to the “European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the selection procedure of 2021 will be done entirely online.

Below you will find the information concerning the selection procedure.

The selection procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. Stage 1. Eligibility check (4 – 8 April)
  2. Stage 2. Selection of candidates based on application portfolio (8 – 18 April)
  3. Stage 3. Online interviews (End of April)
  4. Stage 4. Recruitment Day (End of May)

ویزای تحصیلی آمریکا | موثرترین رزومه تحصیلی | سایت معرفی بورسیه در آلمان | استادی پلن چیست؟

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