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نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید

نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید
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نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید

 نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید | یکی از مراحل اپلای و اخذ پذیرش مکاتبه با اساتید دارای فاند و موقعیت های تحصیلی در دانشگاه های مختلف یا آزمایشگاه های بزرگ دنیاست. مکاتبه و ارسال ایمیل اصول و مراحل خاص خود را دارد و پیروی از آنها باعث دریافت نتیجه مثبت خواهد شد. ارسال ایمیل اولیه به استاد، مدارک مورد نیاز برای ضمیمه ایمیل، ارسال ایمیل ریمایندر و … از مهمترین بخش های مکاتبه با اساتید است.

نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید برای مکاتبه با اساتید جهت برقراری ارتباط و اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی

☑️ پیشنهاد مطالعه: تحصیل در استرالیا

دانلود کامل نمونه مکاتبات

نامه اول: نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید

Dear Professor ……,
I am …, studying as an undergraduate student of … Engineering, at the first and the most prestigious university in …., University of ….., I have always been enthusiastic for continuing my education through graduate programs. I have shown very good performance in my undergraduate program, with the Cumulative GPA of …/۴٫۰۰, and last two years GPA of …/۴٫۰۰, also I have a very good background and grades in all of my specialized courses with total cumulative GPA for specialized courses of …/۴٫۰۰٫ Moreover, I have valuable experiences in teaching as T.A. for both basic and upper-division courses, working experiences, computer skills, and self-studies in technically fields I have always been interested. I have found ”…”, ”…”, and ”…” extremely interesting. I have studied your research field and I was excited to discover interesting similarities between my field of interests and yours. Specially, your research interest in ”….”, and your article with the title of ”…” enticed me to email you, and see whether I would be qualified to be your research assistant under your direction from fall … at ….. Thank you in advance for your consideration. I attached my CV to this email. Besides, I have provided my CV and further information in my website, and it would be a great honor for me if you take some time to read them and inform me whether I would be qualified to be your research assistant in your following graduate programs. Please let me know if I can provide you with further information through this email. I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

نامه دوم: نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید


Dear Professor …,
I am …, studying as an undergraduate student of … Engineering, at the first and the most prestigious university in Iran, University of …., I have always  been enthusiastic for continuing my education through graduate programs. I have shown very good performance in my undergraduate program, with the  Cumulative GPA of …/۴٫۰۰, and last two years GPA of …/۴٫۰۰, also I have a  very good background and grades in all of my specialized courses with total cumulative GPA for specialized courses of …/۴٫۰۰٫ Moreover, I have  valuable experiences in teaching as T.A. for both basic and upper-division  courses, working experiences, computer skills, and self-studies in technically  fields I have always been interested.  I have visited your website and found my research interests to be well in line  with almost all of your research interests you are currently working on. In  particular, I would like to highlight ‘’ … ’’, and ‘’ … ’’. I have attached my CV  for your review. Besides, I have provided my CV and further information in my  website, and it would be a great honor for me if you take some time to read  them and inform me whether I would be qualified to be your research assistant  in your following graduate programs from fall … at ….  Thank you in advance for your consideration. Please let me know if I can  provide you with further information through this email. I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely,

نامه سوم: نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید


Dear Professor …
I am …, a senior student at the school of … Engineering at the University Of …, which is the oldest and most prestigious university in ….  I have a good …. background and shown good performance in my  undergraduate courses. My GPA is … out of 20 and I am one of the best  students in our faculty who exempted from National Entrance Exam for Master  of Science degree.
I have found “…” very interesting, and I have studied some of your  publications.  I did many studies and researches in your field of study and I am familiar with modern research methods. Also, I have many teaching, research and work  experiences. I have attached my CV to this mail. I wonder if you have any available position  or not. It will be a great honor for me to continue my research and studies under  your supervision.  I am looking forward to your kind reply through my E-Mail.
Best Regards, …

نامه چهارم: نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید


Dear Professor ——
I am a M.Sc. student of ——- at University of ——. I got my B.Sc. in the same  major at University of —–. I ranked —- amongst about 9000 applicants in  nationwide M.Sc. entrance examination, and entered University of —-. My  GPA during M.Sc. is —– (until now).
My thesis project is “—–“.
I am interested in your research areas especially in the area of —–. Regarding  your previous activities and your publications I feel confident that joining as a  PhD student to The University of —– under your supervision will help me  achieve my objectives. I wonder if you would be so kind as to read my CV  (which is attached to this email in pdf format) and let me know if it could be  acceptable to pursue my education towards PhD degree under your supervision.
Best regards,

نامه پنجم: نمونه نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید


Dear Dr. …..
I am a M.Sc. student of … from….
I am pleased to say that I have visited your homepage and have got some  information about your Interest areas especially on “….” issues.
Because of similar research Interests I am encouraged to apply for the Graduate  Program of …… University,
It will be indeed an honor for me to be associated with your team either as a research assistant or teaching assistant.

Here you can download my attached Resume to get more information about me  and my research Interests. I would appreciate your kind reply about the possibility of further communication.
Best of Luck

نامه های مکاتباتی با اساتید

دانشگاه آدلاید استرالیا | نوشتن استادی پلن | فاندیاب | مصاحبه با استاد خارجی | تفاوت اسکالرشیپ و فلوشیپ

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