فرم ارزیابی وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی + مشاوره رایگان

فاند کارشناسی آمریکا در دانشگاه ایندیاناپولیس

فاند کارشناسی آمریکا

فاند کارشناسی آمریکا

هدف این پروژه بررسی واکنش کلیسای کاتولیک نهادی به جریانات جدید فلسفی و علمی قرن هفدهم است (مخالفت با مدرنیته)

حوزه های مرتبط:

رشته های ارائه شده دانشگاه

امتیازات و مزایا:

  • ۱۷۰۰۰ دلار سالانه
  • وابسته به نظر کمیته پذیرش

شرایط اپلای

  • ترجمه رسمی مدرک دیپلم و ریز نمرات
  • پاسپورت معتبر
  • عکس پرسنلی
  • رزومه یا سی وی
  • انگیزه نامه
  • توصیه نامه
  • آیلتس حداقل ۶ یا تافل حداقل ۷۰ (Minimum Score: IBT 70, CBT 193, PBT 525)
  • معیار معدل بر اساس معدل تجمعی دبیرستان با استفاده از مقیاس نمره گذاری ۴٫۰۰ بدون وزن است. اگر چندین ACT/SAT گرفته شود ، معیارها بر اساس “superscore” ترکیبی با میانگین بهترین نمرات از هر موضوع است.

لینک اپلای:

وارد شوید

مهلت اپلای:


پرداخت هزینه پذیرش | اپلیکیشن فی دانشگاه های سوئد | پرداخت هزینه پست UEMS

Undergraduate Scholarships, Grants, and Special Programs

Transfer Student Scholarships

Transfer student merit-based scholarships are awarded to students who enroll full-time in a traditional undergraduate program. The information on this page is only a guide and details are available from your Admission Counselor.

These awards may only be part of your total financial aid package. As a student, you are encouraged to complete a FAFSA to determine if you are eligible for additional funding. Additionally, scholarship opportunities may exist through your community involvements, places of employment, and other organizations. If you receive a scholarship from an organization outside of Marian, be sure to notify the Office of Financial Aid so that it is included on your financial aid award.

GPA criteria is based on the cumulative grade point average of all colleges/universities attended. If less than 15 college credits have been earned, the high school GPA may also be taken into account.

Criteria: GPA 3.20 or higher

This award renews each year – provided you are enrolled full-time, make progress toward your undergraduate degree, and maintain a 2.00 GPA or higher.


Grants are available to freshmen or transfer students who enroll full-time in a traditional undergraduate program, and may be awarded in addition to a merit-based or partnership scholarship. The information on this page is only a guide and details are available from your Admission Counselor.

These awards may only be part of your total financial aid package. As a student, you are encouraged to complete a FAFSA to determine if you are eligible for additional funding. Additionally, scholarship opportunities may exist through your community involvements, places of employment, and other organizations. If you receive a scholarship from an organization outside of Marian, be sure to notify the Office of Financial Aid so that it is included on your financial aid award.

پرداخت ارزی با مستر کارت | هزینه ارزیابی مدرک پرستاری | پرداخت هزینه وقت سفارت انگلیس

ارسال دیدگاه

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