فرم ارزیابی وضعیت پرونده تحصیلی + مشاوره رایگان

فاند مدیریت دکتری هلند در دانشگاه رادبود

فاند مدیریت دکتری هلند
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فاند مدیریت دکتری هلند

فاند مدیریت دکتری هلند | این پروژه تحقیقاتی با هدف بررسی این موضوع است که چگونه سازمان ها می توانند با موفقیت و مسئولیت پذیری شرکت کنندگان متنوع را در مسابقات ایده پردازی به صورت پایدار درگیر کنند. این پروژه به صورت ۵۰ درصد تحقیق و ۵۰ درصد تدریس است.


  • Dr Vera Blazevic
  • Dr Paul Driessen
  • Prof. Bas Hillebrand

 حوزه های مرتبط:

  • مدیریت
  • بازاریابی
  • کارآفرینی
  • رشته های مرتبط

 امتیازات و مزایا:

  • ماهانه ۲۸۳۶ تا ۴۴۷۴ یورو (ناخالص) بسته به تحصیلات قبلی و تعداد سالهای تجربه کاری مرتبط
  • تمام وقت (۳۸ ساعت در هفته)
  • به مدت ۶ سال
  • ۸ درصد کمک هزینه تعطیلات و ۸٫۳ درصد پاداش پایان سال

 انتظارات آموزشی

  • سخنرانی در برنامه های کارشناسی ارائه شده توسط گروه مدیریت بازرگانی و برنامه های کارشناسی ارشد بازاریابی و /یا نوآوری و کارآفرینی
  • نظارت بر پایان نامه های کارشناسی و/یا کارشناسی ارشد

 شرایط اپلای

  • دارای مدرک کارشناسی ارشد در مدیریت تجارت
  • تجربه تدریس در سطح دانشگاه ترجیح داده می شود
  • مدرک تحصیلی دانشگاه هلندی (BKO یا UKO) یا معادل آن یک مزیت خواهد بود
  • علاقه و تجربه واقعی در تحقیقات دانشگاهی ، به ویژه در زمینه بازاریابی و نوآوری
  • مهارتهای روش شناختی قوی ، کمی و کیفی
  • مهارت نوشتاری (انگلیسی) که با نوشتن نمونه ها (به عنوان مثال فصلی از پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد یا مقاله کنفرانسی) مشخص می‌شود.

 لینک اپلای: وارد شوید

مکاتبه و پرسش و پاسخ:

 مهلت اپلای:



PhD Candidate/Junior Lecturer in Marketing and Responsible Innovation

  • Employment: 0.8 – 1.0 FTE
  • Gross monthly salary: € ۲,۸۳۶ – € ۴,۴۷۴
  • Nijmegen School of Management
  • Required background: Research University Degree
  • Application deadline: 12 September 2021


We are looking for

The Department of Business Administration at the Nijmegen School of Management is looking for a PhD Candidate/Junior Lecturer for its Marketing group. As a PhD Candidate/Junior Lecturer you will have both research (50%) and teaching (50%) duties for a 6-year period.

For your research duties, you will work on a PhD project under the supervision of Dr Vera Blazevic, Dr Paul Driessen and Prof. Bas Hillebrand. The research you will conduct for your PhD thesis concerns ‘Democratising innovation: Responsibly engaging diverse stakeholders in innovation ideation contest’. To address wider societal concerns in an inclusive manner, innovating organisations give external stakeholders a voice by collaborating with them in ideation contests. However, many organisations that use ideation contests struggle to do this in a responsible way.

First, stakeholders may use open ideation platforms to post irrelevant or ridiculing contributions, harming the overall ideation contest. Hence, the first challenge is how to constructively engage diverse participants in ideation contests without driving away other participants or losing organisational reputation. Second, given that only a few ideas can win, organisations need to reject most participants’ ideas, which might harm contributors’ feelings/self-esteem and endanger their long-term relationship with the organisation. Therefore, this research project aims to explore how organisations can successfully and responsibly engage diverse participants in ideation contests in a sustained manner. A more detailed project description is available upon request from Dr Vera Blazevic (vera.blazevic@ru.nl).

Your teaching responsibilities include giving tutorials/lectures in the Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the Department of Business Administration, and in the Master’s programmes of Marketing and/or Innovation and Entrepreneurship. You may also be involved in Bachelor’s and/or Master’s theses supervision. Whilst holding this position, you will be given the opportunity to obtain your university teaching qualification.

We ask

  • A Master’s degree in business administration and a keen interest in responsible innovation.
  • Enthusiasm for teaching and working with students. Experience with teaching at university level is preferred. A Dutch university teaching qualification (BKO or UKO) or equivalent would be an advantage.
  • A genuine interest and experience in academic research, especially in the area of marketing and innovation.
  • Strong methodological skills, both quantitative and qualitative.
  • Strong conceptual thinking skills.
  • Excellent writing skills (in English) as evidenced by writing samples (e.g. a chapter from your Master’s thesis or a conference paper).
  • The ability to work in a research team and a willingness to take initiative.

We are

The Nijmegen School of Management (NSM) is an academic centre of research and higher education, focusing on institutional and managerial issues within complex organisations. There are seven disciplines within NSM: Business Administration, Public Administration, Political Science, Economics and Business Economics, Social and Political Sciences of the Environment, Human Geography, and Spatial Planning. NSM strives for a multidisciplinary approach. NSM employs 260 FTEs, 75% of whom are academics. Currently, NSM has approximately 4,500 students.

The NSM’s research activities fall under the responsibility of the interdisciplinary Institute for Management Research (IMR). Under the motto ‘Creating Knowledge for Society’, IMR focuses on academic research into the development, design and effectiveness of the public and private structures that regulate, govern or manage human interactions. There are six multidisciplinary research groups at IMR linked to strategic and scientifically and societally relevant themes (including Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Business Ecosystems).

As a PhD candidate, you will join the Chair Group of Marketing, which is part of the Department of Business Administration. The Chair Group’s research fits in with the Responsible Organisation research programme of the Department of Business Administration. More specifically, the research of the members of the Chair Group focuses on the responsible aspects of consumer behaviour and marketing management and innovation, including topics such as customer co-creation, environmentally friendly consumer behaviour, compulsive buying behaviour, healthy food consumption, adoption of innovations, stakeholder marketing, market creation for sustainable innovations, open innovation, and green product development.

Radboud University

We want to get the best out of science, others and ourselves. Why? Because this is what the world around us desperately needs. Leading research and education make an indispensable contribution to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This is what unites the more than 24,000 students and 5,600 employees at Radboud University. And this requires even more talent, collaboration and lifelong learning. You have a part to play!

We offer

  • Employment: ۰٫۸ – ۱٫۰ FTE.
  • The gross monthly salary amounts to a minimum of €۲,۸۳۶ and a maximum of €۴,۴۷۴ based on a 38-hour working week, depending on previous education and number of years of relevant work experience (salary scale 10).
  • In addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an ۸٫۳% end-of-year bonus.
  • Duration of the contract: 6 years.
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Care Services. Our Dual Career and Family Care Officer can assist you with family-related support, help your partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment  and help your family settle in Nijmegen.

Additional employment conditions
Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University’s primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.

Would you like more information?

For more information about this vacancy, please contact:
Vera Blazevic, Associate Professor
Email: vera.blazevic@ru.nl

Bas Hillebrand, Full Professor
Email: bas.hillebrand@ru.nl

Apply directly

Please address your application to Vera Blazevic and submit it, using the application button, no later than 12 September 2021, 23:59 Amsterdam Time Zone.

Your application should include the following attachments:

  • Letter of motivation.
  • CV.

The first round of interviews will take place on Wednesday 22 September. The second round of interviews will take place on Wednesday 6 October.
You would preferably begin employment on 1 December 2021.


We drafted this vacancy to find and hire our new colleague ourselves. Recruitment agencies are kindly requested to refrain from responding.

دیدگاه کاربران
  • موبینا حیدری 7 سپتامبر 2021 / 09:59

    متشکر بابت این بورسیه ها

ارسال دیدگاه

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